Wood Sourcing and Trading

Wood sourcing

Combiforest stocks pine, spruce, birch and aspen pulpwood mainly in Kunda and Pärnu port terminals. Quality requirements for paper wood can be found on this page. If you have any further questions, please contact our team.

For information regarding the quality of pine, spruce, and hardwood logs, please consult our staff, as different sawmills have varying requirements.

The handling of defective pulpwood at Combiforest terminals is explained in the manual – Wreck handling at terminals (ET).

For more information, contact area inventory manager towards

Quality requirements (ET)

Pine and spruce paper wood (ET)

Birch and aspen wood (ET)

Firewood (ET)

Get in touch

Wood Procurement Managers

Our services

Wood Purchase and Sales

Forestry and Logging

Forest collection and delivery service

Organizing the preparation of forest management plans


1 Wood Sourcing

based on customer preferences regarding product and service requirements. We adhere to the principles of ecological, economic, and social sustainability from a long-term perspective. 

2 Good Forestry Practice

and the ability to procure wood in accordance with current legislation is important to us. Our collaboration with timber suppliers and contractors is built on the same principles, relying on the expertise of our specialists.

3 We Assess the Risks

and create the safest and most secure working environment possible for our employees. We inform them about the current occupational health and safety requirements and ensure they comply.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Combiforest Supplier

We avoid wood associated with the following activities:



wood that is illegally harvested



wood that is harvested in violation of civil rights



wood that is harvested from protected forests threatened by economic activities



timber that is illegally harvested



wood that is harvested in violation of civil rights



wood that is harvested from protected forests threatened by economic activities



wood that is harvested from forests converted to plantations or non-forest use



wood that is harvested from forests planted with genetically modified trees



wood that is harvested in violation of any of the core principles of the International Labour Organization (ILO)



wood that is harvested from forests converted to plantations or non-forest use



wood that is harvested from forests planted with genetically modified trees



wood that is harvested in violation of any of the core principles of the International Labour Organization (ILO)