Growing forest owners handbook

When transferring (1) or selling the right to cut a growing forest, the transferor must prove the existence of the cutting right to the receiver and the receiver must check it.

The data and documents proving the legality of the existence of the logging right are:

  • an entry in the real estate book proving ownership;
  • logging right transfer agreement with annexes. When mediating logging rights, all contracts for the transfer of logging rights from the forest owner;
  • an entry registering felling or a forest protection expert act in the forest register;
    identification document.

In addition, the transferor (seller) of the right to fell a growing forest must submit:

juridical person

  • a valid copy of the register card of part B of the commercial register;
  • the VAT registration number of the person subject to VAT;
  • power of attorney of the transferor's (seller's) representative in case the seller's representative is not indicated on the register card of Part B of the commercial register. The power of attorney must be signed by a member of the company's board.

the self-employed

  • a valid copy of the register card of part B of the commercial register;
  • the VAT registration number of the person subject to VAT;
  • power of attorney of the transferor's (seller's) representative in case the seller's representative is not indicated on the register card of Part B of the commercial register. The power of attorney must be signed by the entrepreneur.

physical person

  • power of attorney of the representative of the transferor (seller) in case the seller himself does not sign the contract. The power of attorney must be signed by the seller.

Copies of documents proving the legality of the right to cut a growing forest are added by the receiver (buyer) to the buyer's copy of the purchase-sale agreement.

(1) - the word "seller" has the same meaning as "alienator". The terms "transferor of the right to fell a growing forest", "seller of the right to fell a growing forest" and "transferor of a felling right", "seller of a felling right" have the same meaning, see also § 37 of the Forest Act.

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